The time-off system every parent deserves

Use our token-based system to request, approve, and enjoy personal guilt-free breaks from parenting duties.

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According to American Psychological Association, The Guardian, and Science Daily,

Parental burnout takes a serious toll on your mental health, relationships, and even your children's wellbeing.

From managing school drop-offs and meal planning, to juggling work deadlines, doctor's appointments, extracurricular activities, and endless household chores, parenting leads to burnout in more than 48% of American parents.

And when you finally try to take a break, the guilt of overburdening your partner creeps in, making it hard to truly relax.

The result? Resentment. Passive aggression. Silent arguments. Relationships cracking under the weight of “I'll just do it myself…”

PTO flips the script.

Our simple, token-based system helps you and your partner take well-deserved breaks without any confusion or guilt.

Whether you want to go out for coffee, read a book, or take a power nap, just request time off, get approval from your partner, and let tokens handle the rest.

This isn't just an app. It's a game-changer for your well-being, your marriage, and your children.

Take a break, the fair and simple way

Simple steps, balanced parenting.

  1. 1 Request Time Off You both start with 10 tokens, which can be traded for time-off.
  2. 2 Get Approval Your partner gets a notification and can approve the request from their phone, no matter where they are.
  3. 3 Enjoy Your Break Once approved, the tokens transfer and you get to enjoy some solo guilt-free time off. The app handles the scorekeeping to maintain fairness and balance.

Try the smart solution for balanced parenting

PTO app showcase

Schedule 'me time' in seconds

Use one-tap requests and approvals to request time-off for solo walks, workouts, or just a quiet cup of coffee.

Personal and partner balance

Keep track of the time-offs with an easy token system.

Gift tokens

Support your partner's well-being by gifting tokens when they need a break most.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Parenting Time Off (PTO)?
PTO is a smart, token-based system designed to help parents schedule solo guilt-free breaks. It enables both partners to enjoy personal time, while ensuring that parenting responsibilities are shared fairly.
So how do I get started?
PTO is still in development, but you can sign up for our Early Adopter program today! As an early adopter, you'll be the first to try the app, enjoy a 50% lifetime discount, and be able to provide feedback to shape future features.
How does the token system work?
Each parent receives 10 tokens to start. When you need a break, you spend tokens to request time off. Your partner then approves the request, and the token is transferred to them. This transparent exchange makes sure that both partners get their well-deserved downtime.
What if my partner disagrees with my time-off request?
If a request is denied, we encourage you both to talk it through and find a solution that works. Remember, it's not just about taking breaks—it's about supporting each other.
What if I run out of tokens?
If you run out of tokens you can still request PTO, but the tokens sent to your partner are "one time" tokens that won't get returned after use. This keeps the total number of available tokens consistent over time.
Do both parents need to download the app?
Yes! PTO works as a communication medium between both parents. You both need to download the app to discuss your schedules and needs together. However, only the first partner will be charged the subscription fee.
Can I use PTO for any type of break?
Yes! Whether it's for a nap, a solo outing, or a quiet moment at home, you can use PTO for any personal time that helps you recharge.
Can I gift my tokens to my partner?
Yes! PTO allows you to gift tokens to your partner if they need a break but don't have enough tokens of their own.